Intricate functional typography on the floor at Totetsu Training Institute

Takuya Wakizaki: Navigating Spaces with Creativity

In this feature, Takuya Wakizaki discusses his award-winning project that focuses on enhancing wayfinding systems through functional typography and thoughtful design.

About the Project: TOTETSU Training Institute

Prize: Best of Best in Wayfinding / Functional Typography
Company: Motive Inc.
Lead: Takuya Wakizaki
Client: Totetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd.

The project involves a wayfinding system at the TOTETSU Training Institute, designed to aid navigation within the training facility. Employing the motif of rail lines, which reflect the client’s identity in the rail sector, the design helps trainees and visitors navigate to various spaces effectively, even in areas with limited visibility.

Interview with Takuya Wakizaki

Functional typography guiding the way from the entrance to various spaces inside Totetsu Training Institute

1. How has the recognition at the C2A Awards influenced your perspective on your creative journey or business endeavors?

Takuya Wakizaki: While the direct impact is still forthcoming, I am thrilled to receive recognition in the U.S., which highlights our work on an international stage.

2. Can you describe your experience with the submission and evaluation process for the C2A Awards?

Takuya Wakizaki: The process was straightforward for me, although dealing with the limitations on the number of photos and description length was challenging. It’s hard to convey all the project details within such constraints.

3. What inspires your creativity and how do you approach the design process?

Takuya Wakizaki: Inspiration often comes from everyday life. Observing children, in particular, helps me see patterns in human behavior that are essential for designing intuitive wayfinding systems.

4.What recent challenges have you faced in your career, and how have you addressed them?

Takuya Wakizaki: A major challenge in wayfinding design is ensuring that the theoretical designs work effectively in real spaces. I frequently visit sites to understand and bridge the gap between plan and reality.

5. What impact do you anticipate the C2A Award having on your career and your future projects?

Takuya Wakizaki: I hope it will open doors to new opportunities, particularly for projects in the U.S., and help us continue to connect design with user experience.

6. Since winning the C2A Award, have you seen any new opportunities or partnerships emerge, and do you foresee the award influencing the demand for your services or products soon?

Takuya Wakizaki: I have not yet seen new opportunities or partnerships directly resulting from the award, but I am optimistic about the potential impact it might have in attracting future projects and clients.

Interior view showcasing functional typography designed by Takuya Wakizaki within Totetsu Training Institute

 Exterior view featuring functional typography on the wall at Totetsu Training Institute.

Takuya Wakizaki: A Vision for Global Design Impact

Wrapping up our discussion, Takuya Wakizaki stands as a pioneer of innovative design, with his work at the TOTETSU Training Institute serving as a prime example of his expertise. His approach not only improves the functionality of spaces but also enhances their aesthetic appeal, promising a bright future in the global design landscape. As he looks forward to expanding his influence, his dedication to merging functionality with creative vision continues to inspire and push the boundaries of design.


More about Takuya Wakizaki and the Project:

C2A – Takuya Wakizaki (Motive Inc.) – Best of Best in Wayfinding / Functional Typography

More about the Motive Inc.:

Motive Inc’s Website

Other C2A Winners:

Winners Gallery