A 3D model showcasing the innovative website designs by Liz Mac Intyre from Web Canopy Studio

An Interview with Liz Mac Intyre

In this interview, Liz shares her journey, challenges, and the notable project that garnered an Honorable Mention in Online Experiences/Online Media.

About the Project:

Prize: Honorable Mention in Online experiences/Online Media
Company: Web Canopy Studio
Lead: Liz Mac Intyre
Team: Liz Mac Intyre, Sonnie Jerome, Blake Schewe, John Aikin
Client: Oregon State University

Oregon State University’s PACE program faced website challenges until they joined forces with Web Canopy Studio. Liz Mac Intyre led a transformation that not only overcame hurdles but resulted in extraordinary growth. The project utilized modern design, harnessed HubSpot’s tools, and prioritized user experience.

Interview with Liz Mac Intyre

1. What inspired the project you submitted to the C2A Awards, leading to your recent success?

Our award-winning project submitted to the C2A Awards was inspired by a unique blend of nature’s beauty and our college’s creative branding. The genesis of this concept started with a deep appreciation for the natural world – the majestic shapes of mountains, the intricate beauty of trees, and the fluidity of water.

2. Can you share how the recognition has influenced your perspective on your creative journey?

Winning the C2A Award has been a game-changer for us. It’s given our creative journey and business a big boost. We’re feeling more confident and validated in our work, and the exposure we’ve gained worldwide is amazing for our business. It’s not just a pat on the back; it’s lit a fire under us to aim higher in our future projects.

3. What fuels your imagination, and how do you approach the creative process?

My creative process draws inspiration from a rich blend of personal experiences and external sources. I often find fuel for my imagination by exploring the work of other designers and contemplating how I can put my unique spin on their ideas.

Before-and-after snapshot displaying the impact of Liz Mac Intyre's web redesign on increased engagements and enrollments.

4. What are some of the recent challenges you’ve faced in your creative career, and how have you tackled them?

Creating fresh designs from existing assets has often proved to be a creative puzzle I enjoy tackling. Reimagining and repurposing what’s already there can be both a challenge and a source of inspiration for me.

5. How do you see the C2A award influencing your creative career and leveraging this recognition in your future projects?

Our C2A Award win is still sinking in, and it’s pretty exciting for our team. We’re convinced this recognition is going to give our street cred in the creative world a major boost. It’s like a big high-five to our commitment to being innovative and excellent in our work, setting us apart in a jam-packed field.

6. How do you stay updated with the latest industry trends, and are there any emerging trends you are looking forward to incorporating into your work?

Keeping up with the times is a real adventure in our line of work. To stay in the loop, we’re all about scrolling through cool design blogs, attending workshops and conferences, and mingling with fellow creatives online.

7. What are your plans and aspirations, and how do you see your creative journey evolving?

Looking forward, we’ve got some exciting plans and goals on the horizon. First and foremost, we’re determined to keep adding innovative projects to our portfolio, aiming to secure more awards and extend our reach in the creative industry.

Liz Mac Intyre: Shaping the Future of Creative Excellence

As we conclude our in-depth look into the vibrant and inventive world of Liz Mac Intyre, it’s unmistakably clear that her dedication and ingenuity have set a new benchmark in the field. The accolade from the C2A Awards serves as a significant milestone for Liz and her team at Web Canopy Studio, marking the beginning of an exciting new phase in their journey of creative exploration.

Liz Mac Intyre’s relentless pursuit of perfection and her pioneering approach are shaping the future of design and digital experiences. Keep an eye out for more mesmerizing projects and pioneering breakthroughs from this visionary leader. In the constantly changing world of creativity and design, Liz Mac Intyre stands as a source of inspiration and innovation.


More about Liz Mac Intyre and the Project:

C2A – Liz Mac Intyre (Web Canopy Studio) –
Honorable Mention in Online Experiences / Online Media

Oregon State University Pace Program:

Oregen State University

Other C2A Honorable Mentions:

2023 C2A Honorable Mentions