Best of Best 2021 / Packaging / Beverage

Hito to Ki to Hitotoki

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Beverage / Packaging
  • Company
    Bullet Inc.
  • Lead
    Aya Codama
  • Client
    Imayo Tsukasa Sake Brewery Co. Ltd.
  • Credits
    Design by : Ryoya Yamazaki

The tradition of brewing sake in wooden barrels is a prominent feature in the Japanese sake culture. Determined to maintain the culture of wooden barrel brewing for the next 100 years, Imayo Tsukasa Sake Brewery commissioned craftsmen to build a pair of new 4,000-liter-class wooden barrels. The sake brewed in those barrels has been named “Hitoto Kito Hitotoki” —Japanese words meaning “human, wood and moment.” For the label design, we traced a part of the grain pattern from the cedar wood barrels which the brewery's employees had poured their hearts into.