Best of Best 2021 / Photography / Other

The Last Paradise Museum

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Other / Photography
  • University
    Universidad De Burgos
  • Lead
    Aitor Del Arco

Everything was let go with the passage of time. They didn’t have anything. No food, no water, no belongings, nothing. What held them here, then? Its own existence? That wasn’t enough. They have always needed more, much more.Greed was its main characteristic. Neither strength nor intelligence; greed.And its main motive, convenience. Their limbs didn’t move them, but their ambition to get closer to the tree that gave more shade.And that is what has brought us to our present.Civilizations, cultures and species, all, extinct.

Hey! I'm Aitor(26) an amateur photographer based in Burgos (Spain) and student of audiovisual communication. I began to take photographs in order to express my most painful feelings by showing the beauty and wisdom that can be found in them by mixing social criticism. I believe that photography and, above all, fine art photography can have a great impact on people and be the perfect envelope to convey a consistent message.