Winner 2021 / Books / Catalogs

Arphic Font Library

  • Prize
    Winner in Catalogs / Books
  • University
    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  • Lead
    Hong Da Jiang
  • Team
    Jiang Hong-Da
  • Credits
    MKT: Ethan Chiou, Rina Lin. PHOTOG: Sun Si-Jia

In the past, the specifications for printed materials come in various different forms resulting in difficulties. As the numbers of font libraries increase the number of printed materials it increases, resulting in unnecessary consumption of paper and ink. To improve such situation, the designer focuses on “convenience”, “diversity” and “environmentally friendly” as the major point.It has been categorized into four collections; #1 DECORATION, #2 CALLIGRAPHY, #3 COLLECTION OF DESIGN and #4 CLASSICS. The four collections are also an equal amount of special designs in each.