Winner 2021 / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars) / Other

Infographic spread_Data Visualisation_

  • Prize
    Winner in Other / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars)
  • University
    Savannah College of Art and Design
  • Lead
    Khushboo Nayak, Sonali Mestri, Matthew, Sabrina
  • Team
    Designer: Khushboo Uday Nayak, Sonali Mestri, Content Narrative:Matthew Payne, Data analyse: Sabrina Hong, Guidance by Professor Melissa Kuperminc

SCAD is one of a kind, out-of-this-world college. What's a better way to highlight SCAD'S incredibly diverse student body than through a data visualization inspired by this mindset. "SCAD Universe" infographic will showcase astonishing data through impactful and visually enticing design inspired by the outer universe and galaxies. Viewers will be transported to SCAD's very own universe. This infographic spread will be published in SCAD Academic catalog. The aim is to create an informative and fun data visualization that highlights the incredibly rich and diverse student body at SCAD.

Khushboo Uday Nayak is a graphic designer from India who is currently pursuing a Master's in Graphic Design and Visual Experience from SCAD Atlanta. She did her Bachelor's in Applied arts from renowned Art school name Sir J J Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai India. Though she is specialized in Lettering and Typography, she is passionate about art and design in every aspect.As an Indian, she finds her inspiration and love of art, color and text from her rich and diverse cultural heritage and aspires to educate young minds about the importance art has in one’s life.