Winner 2021 / Photography / Other

Chronicles Of Fallen In Love

  • Prize
    Winner in Other / Photography
  • University
    Universidad De Burgos
  • Lead
    Aitor Del Arco
  • Video

Chronicles of Fallen in Love talks about the process of falling in love and the feelings that come with it. That amalgam of emotions that to a greater or lesser extent all of us have ever experienced.All photographs are animated in cinemagraph format.1º Crhonicles of Fallen in Love (The fall)2º Surrendering to Love (The Hunt)3º Inner Butterflies (The Feelings Inside)4º Blindness (I Only See You)5º To The Unknown (The Last Fall)

Hey! I'm Aitor(26) an amateur photographer based in Burgos (Spain) and student of audiovisual communication. I began to take photographs in order to express my most painful feelings by showing the beauty and wisdom that can be found in them by mixing social criticism. I believe that photography and, above all, fine art photography can have a great impact on people and be the perfect envelope to convey a consistent message.