Best of Best 2023 / Social Responsibility / Social responsibility Focus

Sunhouse Craft

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Social responsibility Focus / Social Responsibility
  • Company
  • Lead
    Jacob Goble
  • Team
    Jacob Goble, Joe Lawton, Nuala Brennan
  • Client
    Sunhouse Craft
  • Credits
    Photography by Francisco Lopez De Arenosa
  • Video

Sunhouse Craft was started by designer/maker Cynthia Main as a place to combine her background as a fabricator with a desire to find sustainable and harmonious ways of working. Each piece is crafted by hand and weaves together traditions of Appalachia, natural materials, and timeless design. Via brooms and dustpans, serving boards and spreading knives, they hope to make tools that bring back a sense of everyday magic into our daily work and chores. By helping them to redefine their brand, designers situated them uniquely within the maker community by emphasizing their sustainable goals.