Honorable Mention 2023 / TV / Film / Animation / Promotional video

Helping Careers Take Flight

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Promotional video / TV / Film / Animation
  • Company
    NJI Media
  • Lead
    Tamrah Chalom
  • Team
    NJI Media
  • Client
    Airlines for America
  • Video

Together with Airlines for America, NJI created a high-energy Super Bowl commercial that cuts through the noise of typical broadcast advertisements. On a night where air time is renowned as the world’s largest stage, we wanted to make the U.S. airline industry the biggest star. The airline industry is at the heart of the nation's economy, employing over 750,000 workers. In just 10 days, NJI crafted a story line and executed a concept that showed how the airlines are helping careers take flight.