Honorable Mention 2023 / Exhibition design / Temporary exhibitions

Salvador Dalí

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Temporary exhibitions / Exhibition design
  • Company
    ad house public Co., Ltd.
  • Lead
    Yuta Ikarashi
  • Client
    The Niigata Prefectural Museum Of Modern Art

No photographs or artwork are used, only typography. Dali evokes beards, genius, surrealism, genius, and Spain. We focused on the "mustache" and the famous "The Persistence of Memory" The depiction of the melted clock is striking, that work. The shapes of the posters and flyers, combined with the mustache and upside-down typography, are reminiscent of Dali. The design was intended to convey Dali's eccentricity.

Born in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture. After graduating from Nagaoka Zokei University, worked at a design company in Niigata City before joining Ad House Public. He has received many awards including Niigata ADC 2010 Member Jury Award, 2011 Special Jury Award, 2017 ADC Award and Division Award, 2019 ADC Award, 2021 Special Jury Award and Division Award, 2022 Grand Prix, Niigata ADC Award and New Designer Award and Division Award. He also has much experience in poster design for Albirex Niigata and art direction for museum exhibitions, and specializes in total design for corporate brands.