Honorable Mention 2023 / Branding / Brand identity

Lush Rebrand

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Brand identity / Branding
  • University
    Savannah College of Art and Design
  • Lead
    Vedika Savalani

Lush is a natural cosmetics company based in the UK. I was tasked with redesigning their brand identity, starting from their logo and expanding into stationery, packaging, web design and more. With this rebrand I wanted to create an identity that felt more true to the brand's personality. I designed it to be more youthful, practical, and environmentally friendly.

As a storyteller, I have a passion for all things design and film. Growing up as a third culture kid, I was exposed to a variety of cultures and perspectives that made me curious about the world and the stories it has to offer. Over the years I have taken that curiosity and channelled it into creative pursuits. I recently graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with my BFA in graphic design and a minor in film and television. Currently, I am seeking opportunities where I can continue to grow as a graphic designer with a focus in film and motion.