Meet the Jury

Our jury panel is comprised of an international pool of creative industry professionals from art and creative directors, curators, publishers and other influential luminaries.

Cristián Chávez

Inbrax / Creative Director

Cristián Chávez joined the C2A jury board

Cristian Chávez studied Advertising at Duoc UC Chile. He began his career at Wunderman Y&R as a Junior Art Director and after several years in the market, he became Inbrax Creative Director. 

During his 12-year career, he has conducted team management in the development of concepts and campaigns for local and global brands, such as Metro de Santiago, Citroën, Publimetro,  Cencosud, Domino’s Pizza, Techo, Coopeuch, Easy, Movicenter,  Usach, PDI, Monster Energy, Government of Chile (Mindep –  Mintrab), Sodexo, Natura, Cummins, Komatsu, Valvoline, Enjoy,  Nestlé, among others. 

It has more than 30 national and international recognitions: Achap, AdForum PNXH Tribute, A’Design Awards, AdStars, Bowery Awards New York Festivals, Bestadsontv, Caples Awards, Caracol de Plata, Cresta Awards, Creativepool, Creativity, Crystal Festival, C2A, Effie, Epica Awards, Gerety Awards, Lüerzer Archive, Media Innovator Awards, Never Zapping Festival, Poster House NY, Eikon Awards, Mags Awards, WINA Awards. 

Cristián Chávez has been a judge of the Ad Stars, Astrid Awards, Galaxy Awards, Festival Mercury Awards and Estrújate, where he was  also a speaker.