Meet the Jury

Our jury panel is comprised of an international pool of creative industry professionals from art and creative directors, curators, publishers and other influential luminaries.

Susan Baraz

AtEdge / IPA / International Director of Photography

Susan Baraz C2A jury board member

Susan Baraz is Head of Judging for the International Photo Awards, one of the largest competitions in photography today.

She oversees 80 renowned jurors, world-wide to select IPA winners.

Susan Baraz is the International Director of Photography for AtEdge, an exclusive invitation-only, top commercial marketing program in assignment work.

Susan Baraz, along with Hossein Farmani curated the UN Climate Change COP21 exhibition in Paris, which was displayed for over 200 countries. This same show traveled to Mexico City where it’s been viewed by 1.5 million people.

She was the only US photo curator invited to judge the Prince of Dubai’s HIPA photo competition.

Susan Baraz is considered an expert in the field of fine art photography and works closely with established galleries and private dealers within the US, France and the UK to promote new photographers.

Susan Baraz has curated many gallery shows around the world, Best of Show for IPA in NY, PX3 in Paris, and an exhibition in Bangkok.

She is a regular reviewer for the Palm Springs Photo Festival in PS and NY.

Susan Baraz is one of the curators of Photo Independent

, in Los Angeles, an exhibit and sale for juried show for photographers wanting to secure galleries and direct sales for themselves. It’s the only fair of its kind in the US.

She has given lectures on the history of photography, moderated and participated as a panelist in seminars on photography, for both commercial and fine art work.

Susan Baraz is a regular portfolio reviewer for the SF Arts Academy graduating photographers.

She is the Chair of Focus On AIDS, the largest fine art photo auction/benefit in the US. FOA has built the first Children’s AIDS Hospital in India, and established various AIDS safe houses and orphanages in Cambodia and Tanzania for children.